Saturday, December 18, 2010

Texting with my friend who compulsively steals

Partially fiction. These are real texts but I'm only altering the context of the situation and changing the involved book titles for privacy purposes and good laughs.

So I'm in my Irvine apartment while my friend stops by my room at my parent's place...

950 AM
Can I borrow Level 26? I'll bring it back Xmas.

1031 AM
Ok I'm gonna borrow hahaha

1056 AM
(Me) No! Don't! You can borrow Dead or Alive.

1056 AM
Uhoh...I just left...............:(((

1056 AM
I'll be back Wednesday

1056 AM

1057 AM
(Me) Yea...that wasn't cool.

1058 AM
I thought you read it already. Sorry!

1059 AM
I'm headed towards Disneyland. I can meet you somewhere.

1059 AM
(Me) Yea, I'm reading it after How to Stop Your Addiction to Stealing which is what I'm reading atm. Are you leaving today?

(I ended up letting my friend borrowing it and decided to read something else. It's life. It takes all kinds of people to make a world.)

Sorry Tom Clancy, but dark psychothrillers get first dibs in my reading list. They're my thing. Don't worry, I don't own a suicide closet and I don't plan to harm myself.

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